Herrick Chang |
PhD, ME University of California, Los Angeles (Dec. 2012)
M.S., ME University of California, Los Angeles (2009)
B.S., EE University of California, Los Angeles (2007) |
Member since:
2006 |
herrick (at) ucla.edu |
http://herrick.bol.ucla.edu |
Background Information
Herrick was introduced to the Mechatronics and Controls lab in the summer of 2006 through the Summer Program of Undergraduate Research (SPUR).
Continuing undergraduate research through his senior year, he graduated with his Bachelor's degree in
Electrical Engineering from UCLA. He continued to stay with Mechatronics and Controls lab as a graduate student up to present day.
Current Research
- High Sampling Rate Control of Magnetic Bearing using FPGAs
- High Sampling Rate Control of Piezoelectric Actuators using FPGAs
Related Publications
- Herrick L. Chang and Tsu-Chin Tsao. Efficient fixed-point realization of approximate dynamic
inversion compensators for non-minimum phase systems. In American Control Conference,
2010. Proceedings of the 2010, June 2010.
- Herrick L. Chang and Tsu-Chin Tsao. Repetitive control of a levitated shaft - fpga implementation based on powell-chau filters. In International Symposium on Flexible Automation, 2010,
Best Paper Award (Theory), July 2010.
- Yigang Wang, Kevin C. Chu, Herrick L. Chang, and Tsu-Chin Tsao. Laguerre based adaptive
control of piezoelectric actuator for nanopositioning. In Conference on Decision and Control,
2010, December 2010.
Teaching (UCLA)
- MAE 107 - Introduction to Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems
- MAE 171A - Introduction to Feedaback and Control Systems: Dynamic Systems Control I
- MAE 171B - Digital Control of Physical Systems
- ENG 183EW - Engineering and Society
- ENG 185EW - Art of Engineering Endeavors
- MAE 495 - Teaching Assistant Training Seminar (Instructor - Fall 2010)
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Link